"I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness-
It's right in front of me if i'm paying attention
and practicing gratitude.
Brene Brown
Here at sahroo HQ, we obsess quite a bit over happiness — what it means, where it comes from and how we can supply it to our brides in spades. Like Brene Brown, we too find that it's in our hearts and at our very fingertips. It's why we named our latest collection the Happiness Collection — because more than anything, your wedding should charge you with joy and inflate you with gratitude.
It's only fitting that team sahroo put our heads together and jotted down our "recipe" for happiness below.
● Seeking out nature whenever possible, and bringing nature in (i.e. filling your home with plants; listening to Spotify's "Birds in the Forest" playlist on Spotify) when you can’t go out in it.
● Filling your body with whole, healthy foods, but giving it what it craves when it craves it… like, you know, Fruit Gushers.
● Getting in those seven-plus hours of sleep a night, full stop.
● Reading what makes you feel full, be it self-help books or science-fiction.
● Prioritizing a set amount “play” (which psychologists define as otherwise “unproductive” activities that you choose to do during unstructured time) each day.
● Keeping your perspective in whichever way suits you—volunteering via community service initiatives or paying it forward by paying for a stranger’s coffee.
● Hearing people whom you love laugh.
● Smelling, touching and tasting freshly-baked bread and pastries.
● Dressing up for a night out while listening to jazz.
● Walking barefoot — in the grass, on the sand...
● Having a glass of red wine in a cozy, candlelit restaurant.