As anyone who has visited the sahroo showroom will know, this is my mother’s stand-by beverage for healthy, glowing skin—and we’ve never distributed our secret recipe until now. Drink this in the days, weeks, and months leading up to your special day—and beyond—for a clear, luminous complexion. 

The Signature sahroo Lemon Juice

One organic lemon
A handful of mint
Half an inch of fresh ginger root
Two tablespoons of chia seeds
(optional, but very cooling for the body)

Cut the lemon in half and de-seed. (It’s very important
to blend the lemon with the skin—yes, really!—as most
of the fruit’s nutrients sit right next to the rind.)

Add the lemon halves, mint, ginger, and
chia seeds to a blender—we use a Vitamix—
and fill it to the top with water.

Blend for 50 seconds to make a very fine purée,
then serve in a big, beautiful glass, and enjoy.
his can stay in the fridge for three days.

*Note: Sparkling water makes this extra-fancy.

Lemon is chock-full of vitamin C
Mint is a powerful antioxidant and acts as a super-soother
to your digestive tract
Ginger is incredibly anti-inflammatory
(and improves elasticity, too)
Chia seeds, like salmon, are loaded with omega-3 fatty acid,
which plumps and calms your complexion from within